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Huarte de San Juan, Juan (1529?-1588)  

    Examen de ingenios or, The Tryal of wits : discovering the great difference of wits among men, and what sort of learning suits best with each genius / published originally in spanish by Doctor Juan Huartes [sic] ; and made english from the most correct edition by Mr. Bellamy. —  London : printed for Richard Sare at Grays-Inn-Gate in Holborn, 1698. — 
    [40], 502, [2] p. ; 8º.
    1698. —  Sign.: A4, a-b8, B-Z8, 2A-2I8, 2K4. —  Port. fileteada. —  Texto con apostillas marginales. — 
   1. Psicología diferencial - Obras anteriores a 1800. 2. Medicina - Obras anteriores a 1800.  I. Bellamy, Edward.  II. Sare, Richard.  III. The Tryal of wits.  IV. Gran Bretaña . Londres

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